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the power of a G 4

i mac

Jucaria asta e in dreapta mea … si isi etaleaza screen saver-ul.
Si e misto … si face la fel ca in reclama ( click aici )
Si nu as zice ca e mai bun ca si calculatorul meu, dar ca se apropie foarte mult de ceea ce poate el acum.
Si are o caracteristica principala … NU e windows.

E Darwin, suportul pentru Mac OS X, si pe langa asta … e opensource.

Si mai jos no sa va intereseze, dar e cum i-am spart eu parola de root care o uitase ala mic. 😉

1. boot computer and hold the “apple” key and the “s” key.
2. wait for terminal show
3. release keys
4. type without the quotes: “/sbin/mount -uaw”
5. press enter
6. type without the quotes: “rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
7. press enter
8. type without the quotes: “reboot”
9. press enter

this will let you create a new admin account when you reboot your computer.

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