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Romani cu succes afara

trupa rock

 Representing three countries between them, lead singer/rhythm guitarist, Misha Safonov (22), emigrated from Russia in 1993, lead guitarist, Vlad Gheorghiu (18) and his brother and bass player, Matt Gheorghiu (20), came to the U.S. seven years ago from Romania. Rounding out the band, drummer Dan Diliberto (18), the lone non-immigrant of the group, grew up in New Jersey.

Adica pustii au fugit din Romania pentru a se afirma in state, ceea ce le-a si iesit, ca o trupa rock ce suna bine. Ei au ceva sanse sa scoata hituri acolo, daca nu mondiale cel putin pentru filmele cu teenagers,  cam asta e sunetul lor. De altfel in state totul sta in promovare, restul sunt cumparatorii.

Au si doua pagini, myspace si jet lag gemini.

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