La astia viata e chiar frumoasa

Fiti atenti la stirea asta:

NEW ROCHELLE, New York (AP) — A suburban police sergeant who is married to a New York City anchorwoman was charged Wednesday with raping a 17-year-old girl hours after he helped arrest her boyfriend at her house.


Adica s-a dus politistul, sot de tanti de apare la televizor, a arestat un individ in casa unei fete. A dus individul la puscarie, s-a intors sa consoleze fata, a consolat-o cum a stiut el mai bine si pentru ca fata avea 17 ani, s-a trezit el la puscarie pentru viol. Nu-i asa ca viata e frumoasa? 🙂

Si ca sa fie exact ca in filme:
The girl alleged that early the next morning, Rodriguez, off-duty by that point, returned and attacked her.
Iar politistii:

“It hurts. It’s a disruption” to arrest a member of his own department,” the commissioner said. “It’s a sad day.”

Si cu ocazia asta am descoperit cnn crimeLa naiba, cum presa romaneasca nu s-a gandit la asa ceva pana acum? 🙂

Cristi Dorombach

Cristi Dorombach, creator de conținut la, scrie despre internet, online, social, politic, filme, muzică, viața de zi cu zi pe blog.

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