iStockphoto vegheaza

Dupa vreo 2 stergeri de conturi de youtube, din care ultimul e fraudulos, dar n-ai cu cine discuta, azi a venit randul alora de la iStockphoto sa ma contacteze pentru o poza … de cand cucii. Mai precis din 2006, o poza la un articol in care vorbeam eu de cum mi-am reparat singur o teava de apa sparta.

Interesant e ca omul asta, pe langa jobul ingrat de a trimite mailuri oamenilor care iau poze de pe net fara permisiune, sta sa se uite cine’s oamenii, care’s modalitatile de contact si asa mai departe. OMG! Adica unora le pasa? Sau e din cauza ca e criza si hai sa scoatem niste bani.

Bine, nu pot sa nu remarc safariul baiatului si ce tab-uri avea deschise pe acolo.

Si m-a contactat baiatul asta si a zis urmatoarele:

From: Ernesto Posada []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:40 AM
Subject: iStockphoto – Notice of Infringement –

To Whom it May Concern,

It has come to our attention that currently features unlicensed, watermarked sample imagery from iStockphoto. The use in mention can be viewed online on the following page:

Attached to this message, you will find some screen shots of the unauthorized usage.

While copyright belongs to the respective artist, iStockphoto is the artist’s agency and, as such, is the entity permitted to license such works or any derivatives of the works. Any use of iStockphoto images without a license is not permitted.

We understand that the publishing of the watermarked imagery may have been an oversight, however we none-the-less require that you immediately cease any current or future unauthorized use of these images as such activity infringes upon the rights of our contributor. Once these files have been removed, you may certainly visit our site (, where you may purchase the proper license to use the files, and replace the watermarked sample imagery with a properly licensed ‘un-watermarked’ version.

Please respond within 5 business days from the date of this notice to confirm that the necessary corrections have taken place.

Nothing within this notice should be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of the copyright holder, all of which remain expressly reserved.


Ernesto Posada

Client Relations

iStockphoto LP

Toll-free 1.866.478.6251

p. 403.265.3062

f. 403.398.6815

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the addressee, and may contain information that is private, confidential or otherwise restricted from disclosure.  If you are not the intended recipient, any distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Although we try our best to offer useful advice on interpretation and other issues, you should bear in mind that nothing we say should be construed as legal advice on any particular issue or be considered a substitute for seeking proper counsel for your legal affairs.  If you have received this in error, please notify immediately by contacting


I-am raspuns pe un ton amuzat, ca era sa-l bag in spam din reflex. Adica de ce sa ma caute pe mine iStockphoto si ca i-am schimbat poza. Poza pe care o vedeti si voi la adresa mai sus mentionata 🙂

Concluzia e simpla. Poze cu drepturi de autor. BTW Reuters si AFP au birouri in Romania si ard la sange oricine fura, preia, copiaza poze sau informatii de la ei de la trusturi mari de presa, la bloggarasi din astia mici.

Cristi Dorombach

Cristi Dorombach, creator de conținut la, scrie despre internet, online, social, politic, filme, muzică, viața de zi cu zi pe blog.

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