Dear Outlook,
Dear Outlook,
We’ve had many good times together. While I don’t like all your many siblings, you are one of my favourite children in your family. I love the way you are so together & integrated. Yes, we’ve spent hours together almost every day for almost 10 years now, laughing together, crying together and collaborating together.
But, as time has moved on we’ve grown apart – I think you’ve felt it as well. I feel we are moving in different directions. I need to move around a lot more, and need a partner that can move around with me. Yes, you have Outlook Web Access, and you do look very sexy in that. But you are still such good friends with your cousin exchange, and his tastes are just too expensive for me.
So, I’ve started seeing someone else. Yes, I’ve started seeing Gmail for Domains. I know what you are thinking, and yes, she is ad supported. No, she doesn’t integrate quite as well as you. But she does have much better search, her calendar is getting better, she looks very good in firefox (sorry, I know that’s a sore spot for you but it’s true) and most importantly, where ever I am, so is Gmail for Domains. She suits, yes, even enjoys my itinerant lifestyle.
Please don’t hate me. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you, Outlook.
Affectionately yours,
PS. Please don’t tell your sister, Excel, that you saw me flirting with
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